Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Work Flow Monitoring 

            What is a Workflow    
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Workflows consists of a series of steps and rules that serve to automate a business process.It can run on an out-of -box entity or a custom entity.  It can be initiated manually, or they can be initiated automatically, in a number of different ways.

Issues with Workflows

If the workflow grows in size and complexity, organizing them will become very important. Stages will play a great role in organizing workflows, as they break down a number of tasks into smaller sections, and allow for task grouping. Workflows runs through only one stage at a time as it will reduce the performance stress and unresponsiveness created by large workflows

Workflow monitoring helps in managing tasks and requests, to build enterprise web apps, adding stability to your operation, End-to-end management of enterprise content and in creating real-time audit reports.

Infinite Loops:

A poorly designed workflow can result in an infinite loop (one of the known issues with Recursive or Scheduled Workflows) where the workflow runs indefinitely, using up available system resources like memory and disk space. But Microsoft Dynamics 365 has run-time logic to find and stop workflows that have entered an infinite loop. The system automatically stops the workflow. The maximum depth for a recurrence/loop is 8; however, the depth is reset after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Every time a running plug-in or Workflow issues a message request to the Web services that triggers another plug-in or Workflow to execute, the Depth property of the execution context is increased. If the depth property increments to 8, then it will enter into infinite loop. The depth can be configurable by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrator.

Issues \ Best practices for workflows

Please go through below links for finding the solutions to the below mentioned issues.

Hope this articles help you in better understating and resolving the issue with workflows.

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